How Most Americans Find Unclaimed Money

An American citizen attempting to find unclaimed money has a variety of options to choose from. There is the tried and true method of hiring someone to find the money for you. You can conduct the exhaustive search on your own or you can use a national database to help you. Let’s look at a few ways people have been successful in their attempt to find unclaimed money. Use one of these methods and you might be successful too.


Hiring a Third Party

This is how people used to find unclaimed money before computers became so prevalent, and it’s still a viable alternative today. These third-party services would conduct a nationwide search for lost money. If the service is able to find unclaimed money, it will alert you. The problem with these third-party searches is that they take some of the money you find. So if you find unclaimed money and it’s only a miniscule amount, you might not end up with very much money at all.


Exhaustive Search

Another alternative method to help you find unclaimed money is to search for it yourself. Thanks to the Internet, you can now look up the department phone numbers and addresses of all 50 treasury offices in the country, as well as the few federal treasury offices you’ll need to call if you are going to find unclaimed money in your name. While you will be able to claim all of the money you find using this method, it is extremely time consuming. There is a much better way to find unclaimed money and it also involves you keeping all of the money.


Find Unclaimed Money the Free and Easy Way

By far the best way to find unclaimed money is to use the free online search that you are provided by ‘Find Unclaimed Money’ database. Using this fast and simple search, you can quickly uncover any unclaimed money that might be in your name. If money is found, you can facilitate the claim by contacting the organization holding it.

While there are multiple avenues for locating unclaimed money, there is only one way that is fast, easy and free. Furthermore, you can find unclaimed money using any computer or online-ready device when you use the third and last method.

How are most Americans finding unclaimed money? The Internet, that’s how.